Conjunctival pedicle graft

A much loved cat belonging to a family member is in trouble with a non healing deep corneal ulcer. A large sequestrum (dead tissue) had formed and the eye is in danger of rupturing.

Referral costs 2000 euro since our trusted ophthalmology referral practice sold to a corporate; which is a fair fee for a specialist surgeon doing specialist work; but it’s a hefty sum without insurance to cover it. So I decided it’s about time I started doing conjunctival pedicle grafts; so I can offer an affordable option to my clients; and this is a perfect case for me to try.

This is a complex surgery involving harvesting a graft to protect and cover the healing ulcer; providing a stable and vascular healing environment.

It was a great success. Hopefully it will heal well.

I improvised a set of operating loops with some gear from the middle aisle in Aldi. It was perfectly adequate for the job; and if I do a few pedicle flaps successfully I’ll get a little loan for an operating microscope. So far so good anyway!