With the new XL Bully ownership rules; they must be neutered. We have had a flood of enquiries for neutering. We love the breed. They are a gentle dog; and very loyal. We have so many that come to see us; and we delivered so many puppies safely in our clinic.
But there’s no doubt that their jaws are powerful; and they are terrifying in the wrong hands; and they are implicated in a proportion of serious attacks on people.
We sympathise with our XL bully owners; and we are here to help. It’s an incredibly stressful time for them. We support education and training; but we also understand the decision of all stakeholders involved in bringing in a ban. Sadly though; a new large and powerful cross breed will simply emerge in time.
There are some special considerations for neutering these substantial dogs. They are prone to bleeding due to their strength and size; and so we use some additional protocols to prevent complications. We are very experienced in abdominal surgery in large breeds.
We also strongly recommend laparoscopic spaying for XLs; they are deep chested; and an ovariohysterectomy is a technically difficult surgery in the XL bully breed. These ovariohysterectomies should ideally by undertaken by the most experienced vet at a practice who has extensive surgical knowledge and competence in small animal surgery.
A laparoscopic spay is a less invasive and less risky surgery. Healing is quicker; and the dogs recover much faster. We offer lap spays at our practice.
All enquiries to hello@parkpets.ie or 0449391603